Can’t Handle the Clutter? Professional Organizers to the Rescue!

by Rex Ostrander 06/16/2019

O.K. Clutter has been overtaking your life long enough, and you have determined to end its grip. Your problem is that it has become so overwhelming that you don't know how to tackle it. No problem there are superheroes for that- professional organizers! Yes, that is a thing, and they do not come in to clean or organize your stuff while you go to the spa or play golf. They come in as someone with a different perspective, training and years of experience in organizing, decluttering and helping us ordinary folk to escape the overwhelming grip of chaos. Maybe it’s not chaos, but you still want to get it taken care of, and you need a little help. Whether it is junky hard drives, an overflowing attic, an office where you can't find the papers you need when you need them, hoarding or seniors with a house that they have lived in for decades. Professional organizers bring different things to the table to help succeed with whatever your goal is. 

They’ve seen it all 

If you are concerned that an organizer will judge you based on what they see when they come in, don't be they have seen it all. They are professional so you can expect a nonjudgmental, respectful time to conquer your tasks. They will still tell you what you need to hear, and that might be tough, but it will be done to support your goals in hiring them. No need to be embarrassed about what they see there either. The career that they are in means they have probably seen far worse.

There are some questions to ask when hiring an organizer: 
- Have they been trained
- What kind of approach do they take (how hands-on are they)
- What method do they follow (no joy throw it out?)What is their charge and what, if any, deposit do they require
- Do they have references, pictures
- What is their policy for small spaces like a closet or pantry
- Do they give initial consultations

Now that you know that you can have help-go for it

If you have thought "if only I had help I could actually do this," then a professional organizer might be just who you need. Go to a reliable source to seek information like an organizing association's website or home service provider directories near you for a reliable source to help you find an organizer for you. You never know but that you will find treasure under all that clutter (uncashed checks anyone) so go treasure hunt and free up all that time and mental space and enjoy that feeling of accomplishment.